Klevu has been positioned in the inaugural 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Search and Product Discovery

Klevu has been positioned in the inaugural 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Search and Product Discovery

Home Discovered Uncategorized Podcast Speaker Briefing


Podcast Speaker Briefing

Information for potential speakers on the Discovered Podcast.

What is Discovered?

Discovered is a community, organized by Klevu, featuring the brightest minds in ecommerce and product discovery. Discovered includes events, a podcast, media, and TV opportunities.

Core objectives:

  • Unite the ecommerce community to explore today’s tactics and tomorrow’s innovations
  • Discover product discovery strategies that enhance human abilities and complement commerce goals
  • Empathize with the shopper and discover how psychology and human nature influence search and discovery

Content Themes

Human and Machine
Discover AI product discovery strategies that enhance human abilities and complement commerce goals.

Shopper Revelations
Discover how psychology and human nature influence discovery behaviors, and how visionaries are creating value.

The Horizon
Discover what matters about the future of product discovery, privacy, personalization, the metaverse, and more.

Please submit any podcast ideas to our editorial team and we will review:

Podcast Formats

Two experts have a conversation about a topic at an expert level. Meant for experts within the field or that persona. The catch? The person being interviewed gets to choose and interview the next person!

  • 25 minutes
  • Fireside chat format
  • General topic of conversation agreed in advance but otherwise unscripted

Real Talk
Real stories from the front line of ecommerce. Brands, retailers and technologists working through problems, talking about process, learnings and solutions.

  • 25-45 minutes
  • 2 guests max + moderator
  • Questions generated by moderator and agreed by guests

A presentation of a new idea or concept, why it’s important and the impact on the world.

  • 25 minutes
  • 2 guests max, fireside chat or moderated
  • Concept agreed in advance with Discovered Editorial

Equipment and Preparation

Each podcast will be prepped and recorded within a 2-week period. Once you agree to be on a podcast, you will get scheduled in a 1-hour prep session where you will meet your group and agree on the format and date. The prep session will be moderated by a member of the Discovered editorial team.

When you are recording, please ensure you have adequate internet connection and a quiet space to record. We recommend wired headphones with a wired microphone. For speech quality. We will send equipment to you if necessary.

Rules of Enagement:

  • No overlapping conversations or interrupting one another
  • Refrain from offensive language
  • Respect everyone’s opinion, but don’t be afraid to voice your point of view
  • Avoid personal attacks on guests or participants
  • Maintain a positive atmosphere throughout the recording

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