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Home Ebooks Discovered Magazine: Proven Strategies to Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value 
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Discovered Magazine: Proven Strategies to Increase Your Customer Lifetime Value 

This special Peak Edition of Discovered Magazine includes 15 checklists and insights over 57 pages to help you optimize your ecommerce operations this holiday, covering what to look out for, what success looks like, and what to do if stuff goes wrong.

What’s inside?

This 57-page guide features information about:

  • Last-minute tips to optimize product discovery for peak
  • Getting more shoppers past the buy button with one-click checkout
  • Tips for handling subscription
  • Omnichannel operations, the backbone of BFCM
  • Transform your returns into exchanges
  • How to answer customer questions in minutes, not days

Executive Summary

How can retailers best engage customers to ensure a magnetic customer experience and place safe bets on higher CLV?

In this edition of Discovered Magazine, we explore the main levers that can influence customer lifetime value including first party data, marketing automation, omnichannel, website experience, personalization, reviews, privacy, loyalty, customer service, payment and more.

We hope it entertains and inspires. 

Table of Contents

  • Klaviyo talks about how to use data to build more valuable relationships
  • Gorgias discusses how customer service can create advocates and drive up CLV
  • Klarna drives home the importance of loyalty
  • Petah Marian talks about how chaos affects retail and forecasting
  • Klevu talks about ecommerce personalization in the privacy age
  • Trustpilot talks about smart ways to use reviews to improve CX
  • Juliana Jackson talks through her best post-purchase email flow
  • BigCommerce discusses how to reduce friction online
  • Cate Trotter talks about the role of omnichannel to influence CLV

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