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Home Blog Bring a Powerful Personal Touch to Your Email Marketing with Klevu’s Dotdigital Integration


Bring a Powerful Personal Touch to Your Email Marketing with Klevu’s Dotdigital Integration

Within the world of e-commerce, a “one size fits all” approach to your audience no longer cuts it. From the visual merchandising of collection pages, through to the marketing communications that you send out, a personal touch is essential. This article will highlight how Klevu’s powerful insight into your customers can be leveraged to best effect, in tandem with our powerful dotdigital integration.

As competition for custom intensifies, there’s never been a more important time for brands to harness the power of personalized recommendations in their marketing.

The power of personalization cannot be overstated in online retail today. When it comes to meeting expectations of the modern customer and ensuring a better return on your marketing and merchandising efforts, nothing else comes close.

Klevu’s powerful self-learning search ensures that stores serve up hyper-personalized product results, in optimal order and perfectly merchandised.

But how can this deep insight into individual shopping behavior and preferences be extended to your wider marketing efforts? With brands that personalize promotional marketing emails experiencing 27% higher unique click-through rates, email is a great place to start. Personalized email also lands well with the younger segments of the market (who dictate the future of our industry), building a sense of trust and increasing brand loyalty. 70% of Millennials are turned off by brands sending them irrelevant marketing emails, and side with those who take time to personalize their offering, as opposed to taking a general, broad spectrum approach.

This article will explain how the latest integration between dotdigital and Klevu can provide a powerful boost to your email marketing strategy.

A Sense of Self: What Does Modern Personalization Look Like?

Modern e-commerce is in a constant state of improvement and evolution. As quickly as technological capabilities advance, customers’ expectations rise, and the cycle begins all over again. Retailers need to bring their A-game.

This is certainly the case for on-site search. A sophisticated, intelligent experience, leveraging rich autocomplete, quick search overlays, natural language processing and more, is a fairly basic expectation of today’s online shopper.

It’s also very much the case for personalization. Customer experiences that are tailored to us as individuals — where we feel seen and understood by the brands we patronize — are the new norm: a baseline in terms of the experience we have come to expect and enjoy.

According to a report from SmarterHQ, 72% of consumers say they now only engage with marketing messages that are personalized and tailored to their interests.

Personalized messaging is about much more than including a merge tag in your salutation. The modern consumer expects an experience more akin to the attention of a knowledgeable personal shopper when they visit an online store. They want accurate suggestions that feel truly customized to their tastes. Crucially, the experience should be elevated beyond the wide cast net of generally trending products. This is where personalized recommendations come into play.

Power Couple: Search Data & Email Marketing

Despite our ongoing love affair with social media, email still reigns supreme in terms of customer conversion. 51% of consumers say that the best way for brands to contact them is via email. This backs up the experience of marketers, with many reporting that email is their top channel in terms of driving traffic and ROI.

We’ve teamed up with dotdigital to offer access to an integration bursting with potential, allowing our customers to leverage the deeply insightful search data captured by Klevu to power highly effective, personalized marketing campaigns.

Making It Work: Harness the Power of Dynamic Content Components

The key to successful personalization in email marketing is to make it feel genuine. Each and every recipient of the emails you send should feel you’re speaking to them directly, and the customized elements of your message should be seamlessly, subtly integrated.

Because of this, you need to consider your source of data carefully. By working with Klevu to inject product suggestions into campaigns, you’re reflecting the behavior and habits of some of your most highly motivated customers. Those interacting with on-site search on your store are using their own words to communicate their desires, habits and interests. This is powerful stuff!

It’s a smart segment to be working with — the higher levels of purchase intent from shoppers who interact with on-site search means that they typically convert up to five to six higher than a store’s average.

How can you integrate the immense potential of this data into your email campaigns? With Klevu’s dotdigital integration, it’s an easy and intuitive process that leverages dynamic content components.

The integration enables dynamic content to be pulled through to populate your email campaigns. It means each mailing is totally custom to the recipient, displaying recommended products that reflect the interests they’ve shown through  their on-site search use.

65% of email marketers say dynamic content is their most effective personalization tactic, and now this can be provided in real-time via Klevu’s automated search-based product recommendations.

Working between the Klevu Merchant Center and your dotdigital account, you can quickly and simply configure up to six personalized product links to be integrated into your campaign. Add these links as External Dynamic Components, and you’re done.

Your campaign is now configured for sending personalized recommendations within the email. The product image and link will pull through automatically.

Tools of the Trade: What You’ll Need to Get Started

To be able to integrate search-based product suggestions directly into your marketing emails, you will need to utilize both dotdigital (for email marketing) and a premium or enterprise Klevu account (for on-site search).

If you’re an existing Klevu customer and would like to start benefiting, please contact support@klevu.com and we’ll be happy to enable it for you.

If you’re not yet on board with Klevu, but are already working with dotdigital, we’d be happy to set up a demo to walk you through the potential this feature could represent to your business.

Ready, Set, Recommendations

Personalization is an essential component for the success of any modern online retailer. Expectations are rising, and marketing efforts that fall short of feeling totally tailored risk significantly missing the mark.

Sophisticated on-site search solutions like Klevu provide a real wealth of customer insight. And with the ability to combine this potential with the proven effectiveness of email marketing, it’s easy to see why marketers are increasingly turning to our effortlessly automated personalized recommendations.

Ready to learn more about how the power of search-based, personalized recommendations could supercharge your email marketing? Schedule a demo today!

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